There is much to learn about the Rift. Here you can learn about who owns what in the game. You too can purchase venues and begin earning caps and more!
Currently owned buildings
Owned by "The Bankers"
Owned by "Laughing Coffins"
Owned by "Outcast Initiative"
Owned by Bankers
Owned by the Sherriff
Owned by "Laughing Coffins"
Owned by "Laughing Coffins"
Owned by "Laughing Coffins"
Owned by "The Scientist"
Last owned by the "Arms Dealer"
Owned by "Doc"
All purchases are final in game. If you choose to dispute a purchase then it may be settled at the center of the settlement by means of a dual.
Open Play every other Saturday. Starting Janurary 4th 2025. Members only. 11-5 pm
Apply for member online!