Episode 3Ticket sales online soon. Technical Track! Register your attack vehicle by sending a email with your vehicle information to opivllc@gmail.com FACTIONS- Green, Tan, Black, Civilian, Grey, and Cosplay (blue flag). Enlist your 5–8-man squad. $240 per event.$5 per person to camp 2-4-man battle buddy teams. $120 per event. The first 12hr event starts May 29th, 2021 (Saturday) morning at 10am-10pm, plus open play on Sunday is included in ticket prices. Get your gun Chrono, get the safety brief, then enter the combat zone and link up with your faction. Each squad is assigned to a Faction based on their uniform color. Factions will battle for territory at P.A.F through mutliple events during the year. Each event will pick up where it left off, and you can expect the numbers for each faction to grow over time. So, gain your ground while you can. Faction’s main objective is to gain ground (Capture the Flag) throughout the entire 25-acre field. Factions may communicate with their squads through our discord server. Click the link for the invite and we will assign you to a Faction once you register your squad and pick your faction. https://discord.gg/WRNVWfgx Faction territory is gained by raising your Faction’s flag color and holding that ground. Each capture point has multiple flagsPlayers may respawn at any capture point their faction is in control of. Alliances can be made or broken at each faction’s discretion and must raise each faction’s flag letting it be known that they are in alliance. If an alliance is broken, then it is up to each faction to lower the other’s flag as usual. Factions will search for the bomb and use it at their discretion to gain ground. Use bomb to destroy capture points from being captured for that event day only. A red flag will determine that the capture point has been destroyed. Squad leaders can assign one medic per squad and one engineer per squad.Medics can use player’s dead rags as tourniquets to revive players. Players can be revived twice then must respawn at a capture point.Engineers can repair tacticals, capture points, and weapon systems. IF you are hit with friendly fire, you are dead. IF a grenade explodes within 10 ft of you, you are dead.IF you take cover from a grenade, you are alive. IF you are bang banged, it is your choice. IF you are touched by an enemy’s hand, you are dead. Please click the link to take you through the layout of the field. This tour will show you where to park, check-in, crono and give you an over view of all the compounds and outpost on the field. You may have to download Google Earth App to take this tour. https://earth.google.com/earth/rpc/cc/drive?state=%7B%22ids%22%3A%5B%221JmHarGuG8VTj3XfG_4rLO0D5Twp-V1QN%22%5D%2C%22action%22%3A%22open%22%2C%22userId%22%3A%22106542149579588220703%22%2C%22resourceKeys%22%3A%7B%7D%7D
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Open Play every other Saturday. Starting Janurary 4th 2025. Members only. 11-5 pm
Apply for member online!