Combat Life Saver rule:
Ability to secure and move the wounded player. While the wounded player is in the care of a Combat Life Saver. The wounded shall not bleed out.
Combat Medic rule:
Ability to revive wounded players by administering tourniquet, or ace bandage to a players arm. Open Play medic rules may be one hand touch to a player's shoulder for 30 seconds.
Respawn rule:
The fallen must touch the respawn cube and may choose to recite the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance for about 30 seconds.
Basic Field rules:
Eye Protection must be always worn on the field. This means ANSI Z87.1 rated safety lenses. NO Ski goggles mesh eye-pro. Do not shoot in the staging area or around players without eye protection. Magazines out and safeties on in the staging area. Be honest, don't steal, but this is a public place so please also take steps to keep your valuables safe.
Vandalism is not tolerated please do not destroy any field property this means shooting signs or buildings not on the field. If you see someone doing this, please bring it up to a ref or a manger. Bathrooms are in the parking lot and in the OPFOR base. Please be respectful of the houses located near the field.
Be responsible for your trash. Please throw away or bring out any trash you bring in. Do not shoot any animals or people not actively practicing in the game. Please do not sell goods or services without permission from management. Please reference Parker Airsoft in any photos or videos you post only we really appreciate it.
Referees are the final word on the field if you have any issues with a referee, please bring it up with management. Stay in field boundaries and do not move any objects on the field if you have any questions, please ask a staff member.
Play fair, call your hits, a hit is anywhere to the body.
Gun hits do not count,
Ricochets DO count as a hit.
Semi-Auto unless you are an LMG, or SMG with a 25ft MED.
Friendly fire counts. Dead Men tell no tales. Adhere to all FPS Limits
400fps w/.20g No Med AEG (1.49j)
400fps w/.20 25ft MED LMG (1.49j)
450 w/.20 75ft MED DMR (1.7j)
500 w/.20g 100ft Sniper (2.32j)
Enola Gaye Smoke grenades are the only grenades allowed on the field. Airsoft grenades are used on this field they should be under hearing damage levels but if you have sensitive ears, please consider wearing hearing protection players must attend the pregame briefing to play that game.
Copyright © 2025 Parker's Airsoft - All Rights Reserved.
Open Play every other Saturday. Starting Janurary 4th 2025. Members only. 11-5 pm
Apply for member online!