On NOVEMBE 9th 2024.GI's jump back into a hot zone. Looking for VC and NVA strongholds.
Our Vietnam history!
"Marines...they're either your best friend or worst enemy."
"We will remove the GI forces from our lands with combat speed."
"Oh, you think the jungle is your ally, but IT's shadows betray you, because they belong to me!"
G.I. Team is considered the Green Team. The G.I. Team will consist of American and/or Australian Special Forces that operated in the Vietnam War. American Forces have the most restricted uniforms as they are very easy to find online. Uniform restrictions are applied and you may only wear uniforms that were in service during the Vietnam War. Woodland/ OD/ etc. These uniforms do not have to be authentic. ONLY look the part. Good spots to pick up gear. US Vietnam Uniforms Archives - Combat Sport Supply
POWs are on the G.I. team and they have a uniform restriction of an American or Australian Special Forces uniform that was in service during the Vietnam War. POWs are required to wear a plain white shirt under their military blouse. When they are in enemy custody they can take their military blouse off and wear only the white T with their military bottoms to symbolize they are in captivity.
Viet Cong will be considered the Black Team and are allies with the Tan team initially. VC team members have a uniform restriction of solid black uniforms. Pajama-type tops and bottoms are encouraged. If you are wearing a VC official uniform then it must be one that was in service during the Vietnam War. VC are allowed to wear solid black pajama type cloths. It is considered official uniform of the VC. Good spots to pick up gear. VC Pajama Uniform AO BABA SET Top & Bottom Repro - Combat Sport Supply
NVA will be considered the Tan Team and will be allied with the Black Team initially. NVA members are restricted to the NVA uniform in service during the Vietnam War. Your uniform does not have to be authentic but should look like NVA. Not street clothes with the same color. Good spots to pick up gear.
Vietnam NVA / VC Uniforms & Gear Archives - Combat Sport Supply
G.I. Forces are tasked to search and rescue POWs held on the battlefield. You are tasked to search and destroy the enemy outpost weapons cache and the NVA base via high explosive props. Only G.I. Commander is authorized to negotiate POW release.
POWs will start out under VC control at CP-1 and can be moved from CP-1 to CP-2 then finally to the NVA base. Only the VC commander can move the POWs at any time.
NVA is tasked to support the VC in escorting POWs back to the NVA base and to attack and defend all outposts from G.I. efforts. Only the NVA commander may negotiate with the G.I. Force for POW release.
Ace bandage will be the only authorized medic revive for this event.
The Ace bandage must be at least 2 ft long and must be fully wrapped to stop the bleeding.
If the bandage is loose and dangling from the arm then the player must enter back into their bleed out of 2 min.
Only another player can correct an Ace bandage malfunction.
No tourniquets
Bleed Out Rule is 2 Min. You may be moved during your bleed out.
POWs will be on the field. They may NOT be actually bound by any means at the ankle or wrist.
POW players must put their hands in their pockets and may only remove them to catch themselves from falling or when directed to by a custodial player.
POWs are allowed to escape and evade at any cost. A POW‘s role as a captive shall end if he/she is either terminated or escapes captivity.
IF they are terminated by firing squad then they may respawn with the G.I. Unit and play as G.I. for the rest of the game.
IF a POW is hit while in an attempt to escape or resist,
Then that POW will respawn at the NVA Base and has one more attempt to escape before joining to G.I. team.
IF the POW escapes and makes it back to G.I. Forces
Then they are relieved of their duty to play a POW for the rest of the game at their leisure.
Grenades produce a kill radius of 10ft. If you are behind solid cover then you live.
IF, you are behind broken cover
Then, you are (Hit) and must bleed out and respawn if no medic revive is available.
LMGs / AK47s and SMGs are the only weapons on the battlefield allowed to fire in full auto. AK47s are restricted to midcap mags only! Your kit will be checked.
Any weapon firing fully auto must have a 25ft Minimum Engagement Distance.
Weapon Caches will be present on the field. They are identified as High explosive props and maybe remoted detonated by a means of 4 digit code that must be observed/ read and reported to your Commander.
The detonator must stay with Commander of the G.I. team.
ONLY HE can activate the C4.
VC/NVA shall defend these weapons caches.
Radio Restrictions Apply. Only 3 per team. Uniform restrictions apply. Make sure you follow the guidelines. Refunds will not be issued for failure to wear the correct uniforms. Weapon restrictions apply.
Be sure to have an airsoft weapon that fits into the Vietnam War era to win costume contest. Modern weapons will be accepted but no modern attachments.
Exceptions will be given to those who can take their modern gun and dress it up to look Vietnam War Era guns. Med tape on the rails, and other creative action can be taken.
Open Play this Saturday. Memebers only. 11-5pm
Apply for member online!